The great Static Keyword in Java

Japneet Sachdeva
2 min readMay 14, 2024


Source: Google Images

Purpose of the Static Keyword:

  • The static keyword in Java helps optimise memory usage by creating variables, methods, and blocks that are shared across multiple instances of a class.

Creating Static Variables:

  • Without static: Each instance of a class would have its own copy of the variable, consuming memory.
  • With static: Variable’s value remains constant across all instances, saving memory.
  • Example:
class Student {
String studentName;
String course;
static String school;

Example of Static Variables:

  • Without static keyword:
Student Student1 = new Student(); = "JapneetSachdeva";
  • With static keyword: = "JapneetSachdeva";

Static Methods:

  • Can only access and modify static variables.
  • Can be called without creating a class instance.
  • Example:
static void incrementBy2()
evenNumber = evenNumber + 2;

Static Blocks:

  • Similar to constructors, used to initialize static variables.
  • Executed by the compiler before the main method.
  • Example:
static {
year = 2024;
System.out.println("This code block got executed first");

Order of Execution:

  • Static blocks are executed before the main method.
  • Example:
This code block got executed first
Hello World
  • Summary:
  • The static keyword helps optimise memory usage in Java programs.
  • Used for creating static variables, methods, and blocks.
  • Static blocks initialise static variables and are executed before the main method.
  • For Test Automation, Use Static Keyword only for reusable methods. Overuse of static can drop the advantages of OOP.


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